AI Powered RPA Tools - The Ultimate Business Automation Solution

AI Powered RPA Tools

RPA Tools + Artificial Intelligence (AI) = The Ultimate Business Automation Solution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are two of the most talked about technologies in the business world today. While they have their benefits, it’s important to know how to use AI Powered Tools to Automate business process effectively.

At first glance, you might be wondering what these two technologies have in common. AI is a machine learning technique that involves training computers to make decisions based on input data and information. RPA is a computer program that automates repetitive tasks by carrying out automated actions on behalf of users.

The pairing of AI and RPA has proven to be useful for businesses looking for ways to maximize their work processes, but it can also be a disaster if not implemented wisely. It is important for any business owner or manager who wants to implement either technology into their own workflow to understand what each one does and how they work together.

This article will discuss how AI and RPA work together, how they may benefit your company, and what kind of risks you might encounter when implementing them.

What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is a software program that can help automate repetitive tasks within your company. It works by mimicking the actions that a human would take when completing those tasks. For example, if you have an employee who manually inputs data into Excel every morning and then emails it to other departments (assuming this process has defined steps and no human intelligence is required), RPA could be used to automate this process so that it happens automatically at the same time every day. Click to learn more

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe machines that are designed with the ability to think and learn like humans do. It can be used to create software programs that perform tasks normally done by human employees, such as analyzing data or completing repetitive tasks involving certain level of “Human Intelligence” .

AI is also used in chatbots, which are applications that are designed to communicate with users through conversations on platforms like Facebook Messenger.

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Work Together?

One word answer is “Yes“, the two can be used together. It’s important to note that while they are both forms of automation, RPA is more suited for business process redesign and AI is best at problem solving. However the important question from implementation perspective is “Should they work together?” because it depends more on what kind of Problem Statement your are trying to solve.

Whether this pairing of AI and RPA prove to be useful to maximize business benefits or can be a disaster if not implemented wisely?

The answer to this question is, it depends on how well you understand the problem statement and how much effort you put into understanding the business process. It’s also important that both technologies are implemented by experienced professionals who have knowledge of not only technical aspects but also business processes.

As a rule of thumb, it’s better to start with the plain vanilla Robotic Process Automation first and then move on to AI. The reason is that it can be implemented very quickly and provides immediate benefits. It will also help you understand your business process better so when you are ready to implement AI, it will be easier for you to get started with it.

The second step is to understand the business value of implementing AI. This can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t have any experience in this area. The best way to do this is by adopting 2 step approach

  1. Reviewing availability of Training Data Set
  2. Performing a cost-benefit analysis. Once we have an understanding of the benefits, we can move on to the third step—implementing AI.

The third step is to implement AI. At this point, you will have a better understanding of what type of AI technology can be used in your business and how it can help drive better results. From here on out, it’s all about testing and improving the performance of your system so that it delivers the best possible outcome for your organization.

However most important thing here is to understand that AI needs Business Data to train the models and lack of availability of sufficient training data can lead to inefficient AI models generating undesirable results, not to mention this could prove to be a costly mistake not only from numbers perspective but can also make a dent in company’s reputation. Having said this let’s explore what all Tools available out there

Top 5 RPA Tools having built in AI capabilities –

  1. Microsoft Azure Bot Service: This is a set of APIs, SDKs and tools for building intelligent conversational applications powered by AI. The service allows you to build bots that can interact with users in natural language and text on any channel like Skype, Slack or email etc.
  2. IBM Watson Assistant: Watson Assistant is an intelligent personal assistant that helps enterprises to digitize customer experience through creating personalized chatbots and virtual assistants.
  3. UiPath: UiPath is an automation platform, which enables you to create, deploy and manage RPA bots. The service has built-in machine learning capabilities that enable it to learn from experience and make decisions based on the history of interactions with humans.
  4. Automation Anywhere: Automation Anywhere is an RPA platform that enables businesses to automate repetitive tasks across all major verticals like eCommerce, Banking, Hospitality, Travel, etc. . The platform has built-in machine learning capabilities that enable it to learn from experience and make decisions based on the historical business data / interaction with customers.
  5. Kofax: Kofax is a global leader in advanced digital capture, robotic processing, and data analytics. It enables businesses to transform the way they do business by automating manual processes and increasing efficiency. Kofax has built a strong foundation for its RPA solutions, and the company prides itself on having an RPA platform that is highly configurable, adaptable, and easy to use.
